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edit photos with photoshop avatar effects

if you have opened a picture, press CTRL + SHIFT + U so its so black and white color..or desaturate.. atau klik image> adjustment > desaturate

create new layer (Click Layer> New> Layer) and color with Blue color (color code in the image) .. consider the image in layers of black and white background already .. I had been too hehehe .. 

layer effect change it into color and opacity to be 50% 

merge those two layers are now in a new layer by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + E.. change the layer mode to color burn 

clik Image> adjustment > exposure

duplicate layer 2 by pressing CTRL + J .. Blur and add effects .. Click Filter> Blur> Gaussian blur 

create new layer (click Layer> New> layer), color with black, so the Soft Light Layer mode and opacity around 75% 

Duplicates another third layer by pressing CTRL + J .. change the layer Mode to Normal and the opacity to be 90%. 

Click the Add vector mask for masking the required area in this region face 

click the brush tool .. right click on an image and its brush settings 

colored face and neck area in the Vector mask that had been made 

Now we create a highlight in the area of the face and neck .. Create a new layer .. use the brush tool again .. .. a white foreground color kecilin his brush size .. (Approximately aja ya) .. brush like the example below. 

clik Filter > blur > gaussian blur

change the layer mode to soft light. 

Click the Add New Fill or Adjustment Layer below Layer palette. and settings such as image 

Enough of his setting his face .. Now we lalukan enlightenment and staining in the eye area .. Duplicate the Background layer (the photo was Choki Sitohang) .. duplikatan had to move the layer at the top .. 

clik Layer > Layer mask > HIDE ALL

Paint the eyes with a white

Now duplicate the background layer copy .. right click> duplicate layer

Klik Image > Adjustment > Hue/saturation

so the color of his eyes .. Ijo it is now clear that white aja .. click on the layer mask .. then colored with black color .. (White only) 

Now we make the dots on the forehead, nose and cheeks .. .. create a new layer use the brush tool small size .. white color .. click on each section that you want on the spot.

Right click the layer 6> blending option to plasticity glowing .. 

change its opacity so about 75% now create a letter using the letter AVATAR Lithos Pro .. may already exist in the windows at each

right click> blending option letters .. its layer

The results :

Comparison with the original Sitohang Choki 

Good luck .

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