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the reason I entered the multimedia majors

My name is miftakhul Huda, Just Call me Huda

Now i am a student in SMKN 2 Buduran SDA

im a 16 years old now and its my stories about why i chose Multimedia

first time i enter in multimedia. i never have an intension to join it.

but after i knew all about computer i become love it. 
losses into this direction is a matter of great expense, from all majors who are in school the most expensive is multimedia

and its profits are able to hold a computer, and create works without any restriction,
so, the most fun again, we are very respected forour great work

after graduating from school I will be working directly and if it does not work I would be a great designer of art or they called with Multimaker who have mean workers with more expertise

this expertise can make me knows all about Technology and World.

Like A Photoshop, it can make many pictures become great like a dream land but if you have ability to Design it

Its realy interesting. But it will make u Crazy if you Know No things, 

not Only thats, Many kinds of Art 

and I will be a Rich man if I have real Tallent in this Technology

So why you not join in this expertise

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